Talking To A Loved One About Pre-Planning With Funeral Homes

funeral homes in Auburn, MA

There are some topics that are downright awkward to bring up and you might feel funny talking to family members about them. While final service plans with funeral homes in Auburn, MA might be one such topic, it’s also an important one to broach. If you have your own final services in order, for example, your family needs to know what you have planned and what funeral home to call when the time comes so your plans can take action. Once you have plans in place, you might wonder what other family members are thinking of doing. Talking to them about making their own plans can feel weird, but if they know what they want and end up making the plans, it can be very important to you in the future when they pass on.

Be Sensitive To The Strange Topic

It’s not every day that your family member has someone approach them about their future death. In fact, it’s likely something that hasn’t come up with family before. You are going to want to be sensitive to them when you are bringing up the topic. Look for a good time to talk with just the two of you, or other close family members. Don’t bring it on them during a party or at another inopportune time.

Offer Options You Looked Through

If your loved one seems interested, you might want to offer them some options to consider. Since you made your own plans, you know what’s available. You can recommend the funeral home you worked with if your love done is local as well or simply bring pamphlets on the different service options. They can think it over for as long as they want and make plans when they are ready.

Make Visits With Them

If they feel like it’s a good idea and want to move ahead with the planning, as you suggested, you might want to go along with them to the funeral home so they have the support they need along with an extra set of eyes and ears to help point things out to them later.

Support Their Choices

When your loved one makes decisions on their final services, support them in those choices. Keep in mind that anything the funeral home offers is going to be honorable and respectful and if your loved one has decided that’s what they want, you should support them in those choices.

funeral homes in Auburn, MA

Encourage, Don’t Pressure

While you would like for your loved one to make their final service plans so you know what they want and don’t have that burden in the future, you can’t force them and you don’t want to make them feel pressured into anything. Suggest it, encourage it, but don’t place pressure or a timeline on them. They might move ahead with plans just because they feel you want them to and not because they are really ready. When they do want to move forward with plans, funeral homes in Auburn, MA are there to help.