Things To Place In Cremation Containers

Once you decide that you want to cremate a loved one, you might think about what to include in a cremation container. After all, if you were to bury your loved one in a casket after a funeral, you can place things in the casket with them. The professionals at funeral homes in Auburn, MA have ideas and suggestions for items you could place inside the cremation container that can go with your loved one into the cremation process. Here are a few examples.


It’s easy to put a letter inside the cremation container and it can be cremated alongside your loved one. You can write down anything you want to say to them and place it in there with them. Most people want to tell them how much they loved them and how much they will miss them. You might use that letter as a chance to say a final goodbye. Or, there might be something you wanted to tell them when they were alive, but never got a chance to voice. The letter is a nice thing to send along with them into cremation.


Many families want to be with their loved one as far as they can into the cremation process. They might want to witness the process, but even so, they can also send family pictures with their loved one. That’s a nice, symbolic way of being with your loved one through the process of cremation. You can send as many pictures of different family members as you want or just stick in one group shot of everyone they loved the most.

Stuffed Animals

If the person who died was on the young side, or if you feel like they would find comfort in a stuffed animal, that is something else you could place in the container with them. Maybe they adored bunnies in their lifetime and you could find a stuffed bunny to send in with them. Perhaps they slept with a teddy bear all of their life, even into adulthood. While you might not want to lose that particular bear, sending another bear with them could be of comfort.

Homemade Trinkets

There are plenty of things you might make that you could also put into the container with your loved one. Maybe your kids make bracelets out of string and they want to make one for your loved one to take with them. That’s a nice idea. You could fold an origami angel to send along with them or knit a hat in a color they would like.

You won’t want to send anything metallic and funeral homes in Auburn, MA can offer you more guidelines on things you can or cannot send with your loved one into cremation. If you have ideas in mind, or want some suggestions, the professionals at Callahan Fay Caswell Funeral Home are here to talk you through that part of the process. We want you to honor that person in every way possible.