Is It Okay To Take Pictures At Funeral Home Services?

funeral homes in West Boylston, MA

When you visit funeral homes in West Boylston, MA for a final service, you might want to remember certain things about it. Most people have a camera on them at all times within their phone, but is it okay to pull that device out and take pictures of the things going on around you? Here are some guidelines that can help you figure out what you should do, and perhaps what you should not do.

Don’t Take Pictures During The Service

When the service starts, you really should not take pictures of anything going on around you. There are likely going to be people grieving and they don’t want to remember (or have you remember) those hard moments in the future. Out of respect for everyone in attendance, you should leave your camera in your purse or pocket and remember what you can in your mind instead.

Taking Pictures Of Decorations Before Or After Is Okay

You might simply want to take a picture of a certain decoration, such as an arrangement that your friend group sent to the family so perhaps you can show the other people that went in on it with you what it looked like. You can do something of that nature before or after the service, but don’t put any people around the arrangement in the photo. Take a direct shot of the decoration alone and then put your camera away again.

Photos At Receptions Are Nice

One place that it is often nice to take photos is at the reception. The reception is generally more casual and family and friends are gathered together, perhaps for the first time in a long time. You might want to take a picture with a cousin you haven’t seen in a while, a group shot with the family family, the food, or other such things. The reception is much less strict where pictures are concerned.

Ask The Family’s Permission Before Any Photos

If there are things that you really want to remember through pictures, either before or after the funeral service or at the reception, it’s best to ask the family for their permission first. You don’t want to come off as rude or disrespectful and it’s best to let the family know what you are intending and that you aren’t trying to sneak pictures of anything they don’t want to remember. Clear any photos with them first and you can take whatever shots they allow with confidence.

funeral homes in West Boylston, MA

When you go to funeral homes in West Boylston, MA for a final service, it’s generally not a good idea to take pictures. If there are things you want, like shots of a certain arrangement, or family pictures at the reception, run that by the family members in charge first and go from there. The professionals at Callahan Fay Caswell Funeral Home can advise you even further as to what things are okay to photograph and what needs to be left alone.