Why Green Burials Are a Growing Trend in Funeral Homes in Worcester, MA

One trend that has grown in recent years in funeral homes in Worcester, MA and elsewhere is green burials. These days, dozens of US cemeteries offer green burials as a burial option. Even more funeral homes are also offering mourners this timely option.

What Exactly Is a Green Burial?

A green burial consists of an internment in the ground that does not completely inhibit the decomposition process. In other words, the deceased will get buried in either a pine coffin or a shroud.

To ensure that the green burial process is as environmentally safe as possible, the Green Burial Council sets down some guidelines for cemeteries to follow. Some of these guidelines include the following steps:

  • Graves must be dug by hand

  • The soil that gets removed during the dig must be reused to fill the grave

  • Cemeteries may not use cement grave liners

  • The only materials that can get buried with the body must be biodegradable

  • All green graves must be refilled by hand

Some of the Benefits of Green Burials

The first benefit to choosing green burials at funeral homes in Worcester, MA is its environmental impact. With traditional burials, almost 5 million gallons of embalming fluids and 60,000 tons of steel are used every year. Green burials use a tiny portion of materials that do not wreak havoc on the planet’s natural resources.

You can also gain financial benefits from choosing a green burial at funeral homes in Worcester, MA. With a green burial, you will not need to pay for embalming, a casket, and other costs. Therefore, the overall cost is much lower.

Planning For a Green Burial

The goal of a green burial is to leave very little environmental impact on the deceased’s community. When you plan the service, think about whether you want to include environmental goals in the memorial service as well.

Some ways that you can plan a green burial for your deceased loved one include the following steps:

  • Contacting funeral homes in Worcester, MA that conduct green burials

  • Talk with the funeral director who you will be working with during this time

  • Talk to the local cemetery who will be overseeing the green burial

  • Schedule the funeral for your deceased loved one

  • Invite guests and plan the funeral or memorial service

  • Optional: plan a memorial service or reception for those who couldn’t make the service

If you’re planning to hold a green burial for your deceased loved one at funeral homes in Worcester, MA, call or visit our office for more information on how we can help remember the deceased in the most loving way possible.