Staying Home From Cremation Services

cremation services in West Boylston, MA

If a friend or family member passes away, it’s only natural that you want to attend their memorial service after cremation services in West Boylston, MA. However, that’s not always going to be possible. While you want to support those who are grieving, and get what you need as well, you also have to do what is best for you in your situation, whatever that might be. Here are a few reasons you might stay home and not attend the cremation services.

There’s a Virtual Option

More people today are having small, intimate memorial services and then, they are livestreaming or recording those services for others to enjoy at the same time, or at a later date. If you are not part of the immediate family group, you can attend the service through the virtual option they are offering. You can help to keep everyone safe by keeping the numbers down. You also don’t have to attend the service in person if there’s a virtual service and you are far away. You are still a part of the memorial, even at a distance.

You Can’t Travel At The Right Time

Memorial services don’t have timelines on them and the family can have them whenever they please and in any location. If you are far away from where the service is going to take place, that might make it hard for you to get there. You may not be able to travel to that location at all because of the distance or, you might not be able to travel at the right time because of short notice. Either way, if you are unable to get a flight, unable to make the drive at the right time, or unable to take time off work, you can’t make the service and that’s understandable because of your distance.

When You Don’t Feel Well

People are more sensitive than ever to those who aren’t feeling their best. Even if you have a cough or a little sniffle, that’s reason enough to stay away from others because you just don’t know what it could be and who you could pass it to. Not feeling well is a perfectly good reason to stay home from a memorial service, even if you really want to be there. It’s best to find your own way to memorialize someone on your own if you aren’t feeling up to your normal health levels.

cremation services in West Boylston, MA

If a friend or family member has passed on and you want to attend their memorial service after cremation services in West Boylston, MA, your desire to attend and the actuality of making that happen are two different things. The professionals at Callahan Fay Caswell Funeral Home can give you advice on that decision, but in the end, you have to do what you feel is best for yourself and the rest of your family members. If you can’t make it, send flowers or a card or another gift. You don’t have to get into why you were unable to attend if you don’t want to.