Why Should Your Family Choose Direct Cremation Services?

cremation services in Auburn, MA

There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to various final service methods. When you are tasked with choosing for a loved one, any option you the funeral home has is going to be honorable and respectful. When you look at cremation services in Auburn, MA, there are different options for that as well, including direct cremation. Here are a few reasons why you might want to choose direct cremation for your family.

Your Budget Is Small

If you have a smaller budget, you aren’t going to necessarily be able to afford a full funeral, but you might be able to afford a direct cremation. There isn’t nearly as much involved with a cremation as there is a funeral. Since there are far fewer products and services, you don’t have to worry about paying for as much, which brings the costs down a good deal to start with. For a smaller budget, that can really help you to meet your loved one’s needs without going overboard.

You Want Something Simple/Straightforward

There are a lot of ceremonies and traditions involved with funerals, and there’s nothing wrong with that. A lot of people feel they are cathartic and they know what to expect from them. However, if you want something simple and straightforward, direct cremation is about as simple as you can get. There are no services beforehand and you can have as much time as you want after to plan whatever you’d like at any time in the future.

It Brings Further Memorial Options

Funerals are often similar and there are certain things that have to take place within them. If you decide to go with direct cremation, you can have a memorial service after the cremation takes place and that means you can do whatever you want. You can have something that feels like a funeral or you can have something casual, like a family dinner. Some people even like to have more of a celebration of life, which is light-hearted and reviews a life well lived.

You Want A Certain Resting Place

Funerals end in the cemetery and there’s nothing wrong with that. You can have a traditional burial after a direct cremation as well. However, if you want a certain resting place outside of the cemetery, direct cremation is a good fit because you can do something that feels right to you. If you want to be scattered in a park, kept in a family home, or buried in another location, direct cremation can make that possible.

cremation services in Auburn, MA

There’s Less Stress In Planning

Planning a loved one’s final services is never easy because you are grieving and it can be hard to get past that. However, when you go with direct cremation, the packages are all-inclusive and all you have to do is choose one and that’s all you need. There aren’t as many decisions to make on a timeline and it can cut back on the stress you feel. If you want to know more about cremation services in Auburn, MA, contact the professionals for details.