Ideas For Outdoor Cremation Service Memorials

cremation services in Worcester, MA

There are so many choices for places you can have a memorial service for a loved one after their cremation services in Worcester, MA that it can be hard to decide. If they loved being outside, you might feel like having an outdoor service for them is the best fit, and it can be. But when you think about where you want to have the service, you might not know what the best fit would be. Here are some options for places you can check into to see what might work well for your family.

A Local Park

The local park can be a nice, peaceful place for a service. Perhaps there’s a good view, shade, and options for seating in shelters. The local park is likely going to be open to you having a service there or, if you do something small, you might not even have to ask as it is public grounds. It can be a nice fit for your loved one’s personality as well as for your own liking.

At The Beach

The beach is a lovely location for a final service and it can be a great thing for your family to enjoy as well. You might be able to have a location where you can set up chairs, or if it’s a short service, people can stand right on the beach or even bring blankets to lay down to enjoy the sun on their skin as well the service itself. You won’t be able to legally scatter ashes right on the beach, so keep that in mind that you won’t want that to be a part of the service.

In A Camping Spot

Your loved one might have camped more often than they stayed in their own home and that might be a fitting place to have a memorial for them. If your family camps as well, have a family camping weekend and gather at a certain time in that camping spot to share memories, roast smores, sing songs, and enjoy time together as you memorialize your loved one.

At A Public Garden

Gardens can be lovely at certain times of the year and you might want to be surrounded by blooming flowers in a variety of colors while you talk about and think about your loved one. Perhaps they helped in that community garden or had a garden at their own home. It can be a nice location for the family.

At The Golf Course

Avid golfers don’t want to be anywhere else and having a memorial at a golf course can be just the right fit. You can wait until they are closed and have something at a certain hold that plagued them or you can organize a family golf outing in their honor.

On A Boat

IF your loved one liked the water, having a memorial on a boat, perhaps to scatter their ashes as well, can be really nice. There are so many other things you can do for cremation services in Worcester, MA that the professionals can suggest.